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Tips for laptop maintenance and care 2020

If you are reading this article probably you might have encountered some issues with your laptop recently. 
  • Probably you might have experienced a "Not Responding" browser error.  This is an irritating thing when you are in a Zoom call or a Google Meet.  
    • The main cause for this issue is you are using your laptop for many hours continuously.  
    • You might have put your laptop in sleep mode for over several days or hours.  
    • Maybe your laptop has an outdated OS or crack version OS.  
    • Maybe you have less RAM capacity.  
    • Maybe you live in a high-temperature region which increases the temperature of your laptop and decreases its performance ultimately.  
    • Maybe you are having an old laptop.  
    • Maybe you are not using a cooling fan for your laptop.  
    • Maybe you have not done any periodic service since you have bought your laptop.  
    • Maybe you have not updated your Operating System periodically.
    • Maybe you have a basic processor.  
  • If you put your laptop in sleep mode to shut it down later, I am sure you will never do it, so don't be lazy just shut it down properly.  
  • Always take a backup of important documents daily or weekly, it helps you from the sudden risk of data loss.  
  • Use the laptop cooler fan always to reduce the laptop temperature.  It is always recommended to use your laptop in an air-conditioned room.  
  • Make sure you have a full battery while updating your OS.  
  • Don't do force shutdown while your operating system is updating.  
  • Try not to use your laptop while it is charging because it reduces battery life.  
  • If your laptop is having a removable battery just remove it while you are watching movies.  
  • Never peel off the processor or company stickers which are pasted on your laptop because it can make your laptop warranty void.  
  • Never keep any liquid item near your laptop or any electronic device.  
  • Never lend your laptop to anyone if your laptop is a main source of income.  
  • Always have good updated antivirus software installed in your machine.  
  • Do a daily quick scan for viruses if you have anti-virus software installed in your system.  You should do a full system scan at least once in a week.  
  • Never try to self repair your laptop because your laptop warranty or guarantee might become void, so never do it.
  • Never install software which is not licensed by a trusted authority.  
  • Never use the automatic password save option because if someone gains access to your system they might steal your data.  
  • Use the power save option when you are not having a charging adapter or when you are away from home.  
  • Take note of what software you are installing in your laptop so that while removing the software you can remove the related applications along with it.  
  • If you are doing any self-repair by watching Do It Yourself YouTube videos, please try to read the comment section and do it at your own risk but it is not recommended.
  • Always replace your old laptop sooner because many online sites give you a good deal when you are exchanging the old laptop which is still in usable condition for a new one.

If you want to add any additional points or if you find any discrepancies in this article please let me know in the comment section.

Happy Reading!


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