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Things to consider before buying a new laptop 2020

In today's scenario of remote work and remote schooling, laptops become an essential tool for almost everyone. There are a few things you should keep in mind while buying laptops.
  • The laptop should contain at least 4 USB ports.

  • The ports should have a minimum safe distance of 2 cm so that it will not touch the cable of other port.

  • Make sure you have 2 ports on the right and 2 ports on the left side of your laptop.

  • The touchpad of your laptop should be in the centre when you take the letter A and semicolon (;) key as a start and endpoint.

  • If you are buying a genuine laptop make sure you have the original holographic company stickers.

  • If you are buying a laptop with Windows OS installed please make sure you have an original Windows sticker on the laptop.

  • Make sure you have a medium level processor even though if you are a student don't go for a basic processor.  Even after 10 years, a medium level processor will make your laptop run smoothly.  If you are a graphic designer or a game designer I recommend buying high-level processors.

  • Also, see if you have removable batteries so that you can replace it easily when battery life is gone.

  • You must see the battery life and also minimum battery standby time should be 3 hours maximum can be 24 hours.

  • Make sure your laptop has Bluetooth, WiFi built-in options.

  • Make sure you have bought a weightless laptop because it is easy to carry anywhere.

  • Make sure your laptop has a built-in OS backup.

  • Read the review of the laptop you are buying in several review websites and make sure pros overtake cons.

  • Make sure the service centre of the laptop you are buying is near you.

  • If you are buying a non-popular brand you might not get service support for a longer period.

  • RAM capacity should be as maximum as it can be because you might install many applications.  If you are a graphic designer or a game designer you need more RAM capacity.

  • If you are buying a laptop in a foreign country make sure you have an international warranty.  Also, the service centre is available in your country.

  • After buying the laptop take a photo of the purchase bill, laptop serial number, battery serial number, battery adapter serial number and keep it in the drafts folder of your mail-id.  This will help in future if the laptop gets stolen or misplaced by someone.

  • If you are buying online try to buy the mouse, card reader, laptop cooler fan, pen drive, external hard disk at once it will save a few dollars.  These accessories will help you in many ways.  

If you want to add any additional points or if you find any discrepancies in this article please let me know in the comment section.  

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